Thursday, June 4, 2009

Under a month to go!

P-Rock on the air...

WOW, hard to believe that we have less than 4 weeks left before we hit the open road. Between Blackie and I we've had quite the hectic few weeks - I'll leave Blackie to tell his own story here, but I've been travelling quite a bit for work, getting involved in other activities (mostly of the Honey-Do variety - of course) and trying to get organized for the ride. Well frankly that just isn't going too well.

I had set aside the dining room table to start to collect the items I want to make sure to take on the trip - so I have a central place to sort out the grain from the chaff, so to speak. Well that table, all 9 feet or so of it, has FOUR, yes FOUR items on it: Foul weather overboots, a rain cover for the bike, a throttle wrist holder and a water bottle holder I plan to mount to the bike (somehow - not really sure yet how at this time). Let's just say that I'm really not prepared to leave just yet. YIKES!

One good thing though, the bike has everything lined up to be ready to go. I stripped it down one last time over the past weekend and got my (replaced) HID headlight installed, the GPS power re-wired to operate with the key in the on or off position (and off when in LOCK), and the XM radio re-wired to eliminate the cassette interface, after I figured out what I needed to direct wire it. Also, I made the appointment with Hermy's our local BMW motorcycle dealer, to get a new rear tire next week, which rounds out the bike-related needs. P-Rock, on the other hand, still has lots of needs. heh.

Hopefully this weekend and next week I will be able to get a little more organized on the personal side, but of course everything is relative. The last week in June I will be away in San Diego, so I don't have the luxury of much time for last minute prep. I know you all feel real sorry for me too. :)

We've locked in the first three stops on the tour, to avoid hotel reservation problems over the 4th of July Weekend. So neither rain, hail, sleet, snow or dark of night will keep us from these first three stops: Youngstown, OH, Sault St. Marie, MI and Thunder Bay, ON. From there we maintain our right to flexibility, so that the throngs of fans can be kept at bay.

Trust me, Blackie's story is a whole lot more interesting and eventful, so hopefully he'll be on here soon to post up his saga. He also has quite a bit more bike prep to do, as his brand new bike still needs a few items to round out it's functionality.

Ride Safe, and keep the oil in the crankcase.

P-Rock, out.

1 comment:

  1. Since you don't have anything else to do, make a bike-cam. This guy video taped his bicycle trip across Canada.
