Thursday, June 25, 2009

6 Days to Launch and Chaos

P-Rock on the blogspot.

Well it's good to see Blackie appear, huh gang? I am out on the West Coast all this week, so I have gotton nothing more done for prep. Piling on to the situation, we have a recent high school grad who is having his graduation party on Saturday, so I pretty much have to write that day off too. I am starting to feel overwhelmed with what needs to get done before we depart.

Blackie and I still haven't had a good solid communications integration test, and that quite frankly worries me. As I wrote earlier, my on-board Comm unit went belly up two weeks ago and even though I have a replacement in-hand and mounted, there is still a lot to do in terms of wire management and configuration. Add to that, that I still have not gotton all of my gear together to do a trial pack. I think we may be into the "wingin-it" phase gang.

Hopefully Blackie can work out the video stuff - the concept of posting live video is one of the most compelling aspects of the trip if you ask me.

I have to sign off now, time to pack and catch a plane back East. For those of you unregistered lurkers, please register as a follower of the blog. It will help us know who is actually watching and following, and it also allows you to post comments, which we very much appreciate.

P-Rock, blog.disconnect.


  1. Alright, P-Rock. Confession time. I'm probably the only one here, but I'm loving all this last minute chaos. It build character.

    Dug the "winging it" comment! That's just about as close to, "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!" as I've read in this here pre-flight blog. Admiral Farragut would be right proud of ya.


  2. If chaos builds character, P-Rock and I are Statesmen...

  3. I'm glad someone's reading this blog Chuck! Frankly you have no idea how chaotic things are right now. We're both a freakin' mess and can't wait to escape the looney bin!
