Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We made it and we're safe in Buckinghorse River

Just a really fast basic post while we have our internet to let everyone know we made it to Buckinghorse River safely and will be leaving shortly for Liard Hot Springs. They have Satellite internet which is VERY intermittent, so hoping to get this published as we also have no phone service.

P-Rock, disconnected.


  1. Two technologists on wheels and you did not prepare (technology-wise) for shabby internet access? I can understand that you did not have room to pack that satellite dish or the microwave transmitter – go old school and get a dial-up connection… Come-on – we are living for these updates!

  2. Be safe boys.

  3. Don't forget the raindeer sauage, grilled onions on a roll with a big cold one when u guys get farther north in Alaska. Be safe, have the time of your life & keep the posts comming. Ron

  4. Try BlogJet allows you to do all your writing offline and upload when you have some kind of access. Also has a better picture editor. Cost $40.00 but there is a 30 day free trial, hopefully you will be home by then. If not hope you brought your long johns.

    PS Did you really stay on Pink Mountain? If so a lot of the guy points you earned for this trip just got deducted.

  5. Where are you? Lost in Canada...they seriously should invent the internet up there. Missing you!
