Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yukon Gold meets Pennsylvania Bold

P-Rock - North of 60

Day 19 - Dawson City, YT to Whitehorse, YT

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The PA boys left their permanent imprint on Dawson City last night. It seems that it was their annual music (read: drinking) festival, which was held at the local little league field. With all the rain the entire place was an absolute mudpit - just like most of the town. However Blackie and your P-Rock had to go check out the scene and add some PA color to this seemingly all-Yukon event. It certainly had quite a crowd for a small tourist town at least 5 hours drive from everything. Before much time had passed, a ritual had started, face painting with the infield mud. Of course we did the deed, trying as hard as we could to not stand out like southern sore thumbs. It was a pretty raucous event, and frankly I don't really remember actually hearing much if any music. We heard it was over in one of the other tents, but we kinda never made it there. However the PJ's hat did make it's appearance on the beer tent.

The beer of choice was none other than Yukon Gold, brewed right in Whitehorse. It was a pretty good beer, although mass quantities make for a foggy morning. Trust us, we know.

Today's ride took us down the Sterling Highway to Whitehorse. It was 300 miles of what our hotel desk person described as "pretty good road with a couple of pavement breaks". Well that my friends was the Yukon Stretch. There were MANY pavement breaks, with two of them being something like 10km long. It also seemed to be motorhome/trailer caravan day. They were travelling in packs, so I'm thinking they may be going carnivorous. At any rate, they don't move over in the gravel and blow so much dust you can taste it inside the helmet while you have Visibility:Zero conditions. Not really a whole lot of fun. Of course all this was after we started out the day with about an hour's worth of rain showers... Canada just won't let up.

We made it into Whitehorse after 5pm and settled down to do laundry and have a nice plate of ribs for dinner. No beers for the boys tonight. Nope.

No phone service here tonight (again), so much for my ATT "Canada" plan. Tomorrow we head down to Dease Lake in BC, leaving another province (nee territory) behind. I am guessing that there will be no phone there either, but we are hoping for internet.

P-Rock - Panning for Gold.

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