Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weak post, but at least its a post

P-rock here. Posting with the cellphone

Day 13 - fairbanks, ak to denali national park

Postiing with the cell? Well that means short, no pics, and loads of spelling errors.

Its 5am, and we are up getting ready for our denali tour. This portends to be a real trip highlight for sure

Blackie and i had a very restful evening on our veranda, sampling local beer and enjoying the midnight sun ( well, at least until 11pm... It was midnight somewhere )

After our trip ends tonight we have to travel to anchorage or at least close to it, so we can make our maintenance appointment tomorrow. Its 4 hours to anchorage and the tour ends at 7... you do the math.

Ok, time to pack up and go....

P-rock, searching for the coffee cup

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys. I finally got back to the mainland and my PC. I really missed not reading about the adventure for a few days. Glad to hear you have made it the AC. Be safe and care for your bottoms.
